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Discover how CounterCraft supports CISO challenges

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The challenges we address

Our expertise in understanding CISO challenges uniquely positions us to successfully address the cybersecurity needs of today’s organizations. Our rigorous approach, validated by numerous organizations, ensures that we can tackle even the most complex challenges faced by modern CISOs.

Talent gap mitigation

Bridge the talent gap with CounterCraft

As cyber attackers advance in sophistication, the question arises: where are the cybersecurity professionals who can counter these threats?

There is a global shortage of cybersecurity talent. The industry requires a staggering 4 million trained professionals to address cyber threats. That makes cybersecurity talent hard, and expensive, to hire. 

At the same time, cybersecurity professionals find their jobs tough due to energy-sapping alert fatigue and existing security software generating false positives.

We need a different approach to cybersecurity so even organizations without large cybersecurity teams can fight cyber threats and safeguard their IT environments.

When cybersecurity teams receive an alert from CounterCraft, they instantly know it’s a genuine threat (not a false positive). They can then neutralize the threat and protect their network.

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Threat intelligence

Specific. Actionable. Threat intelligence by CounterCraft

If your organization experiences a data breach, it can cost millions of dollars to fix, not to mention the impact on your reputation. 

That’s why it’s not enough anymore to simply defend your IT environment and respond to threats when they happen. You have to take a proactive approach. 

Threat intelligence allows you to prepare for potential cyber attacks by knowing who is targeting you and the methods they use – before they infiltrate your system. Then, you can defend your networks more effectively and safeguard your organization.

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External attack surface monitoring

Measure external risk exposure with CounterCraft

An overwhelming 94% of organizations have suffered a data breach. It’s an unfortunate reality that your security defenses are likely to face an attack.

CounterCraft The Platform proactively identifies threat actors with a combination of deception and threat intelligence, spotting them before they can compromise your network. This dual approach not only reveals the weaknesses in your current security measures but also guides you on how to counteract the tactics of real adversaries, integrated with the NIST 800-53 framework.

SOC teams are inundated with false alarms from numerous security tools, leading to alert fatigue. However, with the real-time, adversary-generated threat intelligence provided by active defense technology, you gain a clear picture of the activities within and beyond your network’s perimeters. This insight enables your team to craft informed security strategies and prioritize risks in alignment with your business objectives, allowing you to concentrate on the most pressing security concerns.

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Detection and response

Detect advanced threats early with CounterCraft

If you don’t find out that a cyber attacker is inside your network until they’re actually in there, then you’ve found out too late. In addition, attackers don’t need to be inside your IT environment for long to do serious, long-lasting damage. 

The earlier you discover a cyber attack, the easier it is to neutralize. But the best time to discover an attack is before the attackers actually penetrate your network. 

When you know an attacker is targeting you, and you also know who they are and what they want to do, you can take the necessary steps to safeguard your critical assets and data.

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Ransomware defense

Protect your IT environment from ransomware with CounterCraft

Ransomware attacks can be devastating for your organization. Even if you don’t pay the attackers their ransom, it still disrupts your business and is expensive to fix. If you’re running critical infrastructure, ransomware could impact the services you provide, with severe consequences.

Moreover, ransomware is one of the most common types of cyber attack. Between 2018 and 2023, 72% of organizations worldwide were affected by ransomware attacks.

The key to neutralizing ransomware (and other evolving cyber threats) is early detection and collecting threat intelligence, which allows you to fix vulnerabilities and safeguard your IT environment.

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Legacy systems

Safeguard legacy systems with CounterCraft

Operational Technology (OT) networks, Industrial Control Systems (ICS), and SCADA networks are notoriously challenging to secure against cyber threats. This difficulty arises from outdated infrastructure, significant vulnerabilities, and the physical isolation of these systems, which can be located anywhere globally.

Given that these networks are often connected to critical infrastructure, they present enticing targets for cyber attackers. To effectively protect these legacy systems and safeguard vital operations and data, a different approach is essential.

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CounterCraft - Man working in Factory

Insider threat detection

Combat insider threats with CounterCraft

Insider threats in organizations are significant and escalating, with companies facing a rise in cyberattacks perpetrated by current or former employees. 60% of data breaches are caused by insider threats, and 61% of companies have had an insider attack in the past year.

Privileged IT users, administrators, and C-level executives are considered the most dangerous insider threat actors.

Detecting insider threats is not easy for security teams. Insider threat attacks can go undiscovered for years, in large part because the insider has legitimate access to the organization’s information and assets. Distinguishing between normal activity and potentially malicious activity is a huge challenge.

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Lateral movement

Detect and stop lateral movement with CounterCraft

Traditional security measures, such as host-based controls (EDR) and network monitoring (IDS), often fail to detect attackers who have infiltrated your network. These intruders can stealthily search for sensitive data and high-value assets, remaining undetected even if their entry point is known.

Threat intelligence powered by deception is a sophisticated strategy to uncover these covert operations. CounterCraft’s solution extends beyond mere deception; it integrates intelligence gathering to identify attackers’ lateral movements in real-time.

Without affecting production systems, our approach strategically deploys decoys and digital breadcrumbs throughout the network. When these are activated, they not only reveal the presence of threat actors but also enable SOC managers to monitor their every action, ensuring swift and informed responses to secure the network.

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