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About us

Find out why CounterCraft’s deception-driven threat intelligence platform is trusted by the world’s leading organizations.

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Our mission

We believe every organization should have the confidence to make informed cyber security decisions.

As cyber threats increase and legacy on-premise and endpoint approaches continue to fall short, today’s organizations require the most innovative, effective and pioneering cybersecurity solutions.  That’s what we deliver at CounterCraft: specific, actionable, real-time threat intelligence powered by deception to safeguard IT and OT network environments.

CounterCraft Government Image
CounterCraft About Image

By seamlessly integrating our superior threat intelligence and deception technology, we fortify your cybersecurity defenses.

Deception lures attackers away from critical assets. Threat intelligence insights ensure precise and effective defense.

Companies, public infrastructure, governments and national security organizations already trust our alerts.

Our alerts aren’t mere notifications; they’re crystal-clear signals demanding immediate action. If you action one thing, make it an alert from CounterCraft.

Discover our solutions

Our story

CounterCraft’s deception technology and threat intelligence solutions are trusted by the world’s leading organizations. We defend governments and nation-states, and keep the largest enterprise companies safe from attackers. We’ve won dozens of prestigious industry awards, and have been recognized by leading analysts, including Gartner and Mitre.

Our headquarters is in San Sebastian, Spain, world famous for its food, surfing, and culture. But you’ll also find our diverse team of experts in the US, UK, and around the globe.

Our product

CounterCraft’s flagship product is The Platform. Quite simply, it’s the best proactive cybersecurity platform on the planet, harnessing the power of deception technology and lure attackers away from your essential networks – and keep them away, all while collecting specific, actionable threat intelligence.

The use cases for The Platform are many and varied. Whether you’re challenged by ransomware, lateral movement, insider threats, or anything else, The Platform delivers a robust solution. Many of our clients see The Platform as part of their team, helping them tackle the shortage of skilled cybersecurity professionals.

The Platform is certified for use by the military, governments, and nation-states. However, you’ll find it in use in several other sectors, including Energy, Manufacturing, Financial Services, and Healthcare.

Join our team

We’re always looking for people as passionate about proactive cybersecurity, deception technology, and threat intelligence as we are.

If you’re ready to help protect the digital world in a diverse, employee-driven workplace, apply for one of our positions vacancies today.

We can’t wait to hear from you.

Get in touch

Project ZL-2022/00936 – Hazitek 2023 Mixint. Action Cofinanced By The Basque Government And The European Union Through The European Regional Development Fund 2021-2027 (ERDF).

El Proyecto Mixint Nº ZL-2022/00936 Es Una Actuación Cofinanciada Por El Gobierno Vasco Y La Union Europea A Través Del Fondo Europeo De Desarrollo Regional 2021-2027 (FEDER).

Mixint ZL-2022/00936 zk. Proiektua Eusko Jaurlaritzak eta Europar Batasunak 2021-2027 Eskualde Garapenerako Europar Funtsaren (EGEF) bitartez kofinantzatutako ekintza bat da.

Projects ZL-2019/00517 – DECIMAL and ZE-2017/00030 – SUCESO and ZL-2020/00225 – DECIMAL. Action co-funded by the Basque Government and the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund 2014-2020 (ERDF).

Proyectos ZL-2019/00517 – DECIMAL y ZE-2017/00030 – SUCESO y ZL-2020/00225 – DECIMAL. Actuación Cofinanciada por el Gobierno Vasco y la Union Europea a través del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional 2014-2020 (FEDER).

Eusko Jaurlaritzak eta Europar Batasunak 2014-2020 Eskualde Garapenerako Europar Funtsaren (EGEF) bitartez kofinantzatutako proiektuak: ZL-2019/00517 – DECIMAL eta ZE-2017/00030 – SUCESO eta ZL-2020/00225 – DECIMAL