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Home News & Blogs Hello World

Hello world. This is CounterCraft.

We are tired of the rinse and repeat cycle of security. Detect a breach. Clean up. And, wait for the next one.

We want to do more than this. So we started CounterCraft.

We believe that it’s time organisations ran counter-intelligence operations to investigate those who are targeting them. It’s time to engage with your adversary.

We think that this will be tough and time consuming. But, necessary. Managing counter-intelligence is a complex exercise at the best of times. You need the best tools you can get, because at times it is difficult to know who is observing whom.

“I was lookin’ back to see if you were lookin’ back at me, to see me lookin’ back at you” Massive Attack – Safe From Harm

We are building a set of tools to help automate and run counter-intelligence campaigns. Fundamental to this will be the creation, use and deployment of assets and information to manipulate your adversaries and their actions.

We see you designing, deploying and running campaigns to detect and investigate those who aim to do you harm. And, we feel this will become a necessary part of any high level Security role in large organisations.

We see this as an important and skilfull activity. We want to provide the tools you use for this craftsmanship.

Please get in touch if you want to know more.