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CounterCraft in Locard Cyber Security Summit 2017

Home News & Blogs CounterCraft in Locard Cyber Security Summit 2017

This week, David Barroso, CEO and Founder of CounterCraft, will be keynoting Locard Cyber Security Summit 2017, (Bilgi Teknolojileri ve İletişim Kurumu, Ankara, Turkey) on May 11th, titled “Generating and leveraging 1st party threat intelligence using deception techniques”. Besides, CounterCraft will participate in the workshop “Incident Cyber Response Team”, alongside Enigmasec and Austability.

If you are going to be in Ankara the 11th May, and you are interested in our talk and workshop, get your ticket here.

This event will be a fantastic opportunity to learn about the latest threats and how to respond to them. It will also serve to stress the value of deception as an innovative approach to fighting cyberattacks. Big companies, institutions and governments alike are being exposed every day, and having their most valuable information stolen. Deception can help them keep their adversaries entertained with fake data. With deception, companies can gather their own intelligence —the most valuable, and of the highest quality—, about the attackers, without depending on third parties. This will allow the companies to take the most effective countermeasures afterwards, and therefore become more secure.

Locard Cyber Security Summit is an annual event that takes place in Turkey, focused on providing a comprehensive insight into cybercrime. Now that cyberattacks are a major concern for governments and companies, it is of vital importance to know how to address these threats, not only from the management and compliance point of view, but also from the point of view of core and deep technical perspectives.