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Detect and stop lateral movement with CounterCraft

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Lateral Movement

Traditional security measures, such as host-based controls (EDR) and network monitoring (IDS), often fail to detect attackers who have infiltrated your network. These intruders can stealthily search for sensitive data and high-value assets, remaining undetected even if their entry point is known.

Threat intelligence powered by deception is a sophisticated strategy to uncover these covert operations. CounterCraft’s solution extends beyond mere deception; it integrates intelligence gathering to identify attackers’ lateral movements in real-time.

Without affecting production systems, our approach strategically deploys decoys and digital breadcrumbs throughout the network. When these are activated, they not only reveal the presence of threat actors but also enable SOC managers to monitor their every action, ensuring swift and informed responses to secure the network.

How we do it

Specific. Actionable. Threat intelligence powered by deception.

Our threat intelligence, fuelled by deception techniques, allows organizations to detect and neutralize lateral movement before any harm is done. By enticing potential insider threats into a meticulously crafted digital twin environment, CounterCraft gathers precise, actionable intelligence in real-time, all while keeping the live network unscathed.

When an alert is triggered by CounterCraft, cybersecurity teams can be confident they’re dealing with a real threat, not a false alarm. This enables them to swiftly address the issue and fortify their network against insider attacks.

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Read thecase study

Global bank detects lateral movement in a SWIFT network

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What you’ll learn:

Download this cybersecurity case study to find out how our deception-powered threat intelligence platform helped our client to detect red teams and unauthorized users accessing their SWIFT networks and harden their security system with the threat intelligence gathered.

Download this cybersecurity case study to find out how our deception-powered threat intelligence platform helped our client to detect red teams and unauthorized users accessing their SWIFT networks and harden their security system with the threat intelligence gathered.

Experience the difference!

Book a brief demonstration to see our cutting-edge features in action. This interactive demo offers a firsthand look at the benefits threat intelligence powered by deception can have on your business.

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Talk to our specialists

Embark on your journey confidently. Don’t tackle it solo. Schedule an initial consultation with our Senior Cybersecurity Executives to explore your individual requirements.

At CounterCraft, we understand that every organization is different, with its own set of challenges and requirements. That’s why we take the time to truly understand your business and tailor our solutions to fit your specific needs.

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