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Safeguard legacy systems with CounterCraft

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Legacy systems protection

Operational Technology (OT) networks, Industrial Control Systems (ICS), and SCADA networks are notoriously challenging to secure against cyber threats. This difficulty arises from outdated infrastructure, significant vulnerabilities, and the physical isolation of these systems, which can be located anywhere globally.

Given that these networks are often connected to critical infrastructure, they present enticing targets for cyber attackers. To effectively protect these legacy systems and safeguard vital operations and data, a different approach is essential.

CounterCraft - Man working in Factory


legacy systems with CounterCraft’s latest technology

Threat intelligence powered by deception is ideal for protecting legacy systems as it gets to work without disrupting your live networks. 

By automatically creating a digital twin parallel environment, then luring attackers with breadcrumbs, CounterCraft enables attackers to reveal their identities and build a profile of  how they could compromise your legacy system.

The specific, actionable threat intelligence it delivers is unique to your organization’s attack surface, so your cybersecurity professionals know exactly what to do to neutralise the cyber attack before it impacts your operations.

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How we do it

Specific. Actionable. Threat intelligence powered by deception.

CounterCraft delivers specific, actionable threat intelligence powered by deception, designed to protect organizations like yours from ransomware and other cyber attacks. 

First, we create a controlled deception environment that mimics your organization’s actual operational landscape. 

This digital twin attracts attackers, diverting them away from your real assets. While the attackers interact with the decoy, CounterCraft collects valuable intelligence about their tactics, techniques, and procedures.

By understanding the attacker’s methods, CounterCraft provides insights that help you strengthen your security posture, making it much harder for cyber attacks to penetrate your network.

Download the case study

Red Eléctrica detects OT system attacks before breach

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What you’ll learn:

Download this case study to find out how The Platform helped Red Eléctrica safeguard their production ICS/OT network by deflecting a targeted attack into a decoy electrical substation.

Download this case study to find out how The Platform helped Red Eléctrica safeguard their production ICS/OT network by deflecting a targeted attack into a decoy electrical substation.

Experience the difference!

Book a brief demonstration to see our cutting-edge features in action. This interactive demo offers a firsthand look at the benefits threat intelligence powered by deception can have on your business.

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Talk to our specialists

Our experienced Cybersecurity Executives are here to help you start your deception journey with confidence. Book an initial consultation to explore how CounterCraft’s solutions fit your requirements.

At CounterCraft, we understand that every organization is different, with its own set of challenges and requirements. That’s why we take the time to truly understand your business and tailor our solutions to your specific needs.

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